Monday, December 19, 2011

the highest bidder

Politico is reporting that Sheldon Adelson, one of the world's richest people, is seriously considering majorly funding Speaker Gingrich's sinking Iowa campaign with about 20 million dollars.

Part of the money would be spent for a massive TV advertising blitz to neutralize "a weeklong anti-Gingrich on-air assault that is already taking a toll on his front-runner status in the Hawkeye State, according to private and public polling," Politico reported.

Sheldon Adelson is the legendary "casino king" whose personal fortune has been growing in leaps and bounds in recent years, since he carved himself out a corner in the Asian casino market. For a long time he's been a financial backer of right-wing groups in Israel, and was the primary bankroller of a group called Freedom's Watch, a pro-Republican, pro-Iraq War and pro-Bush administration outfit, now defunct.

He's a seriously authoritarian person, and very dangerous, His fortune grew by about a third in the last year, and he's now worth 21 and a half billions. And now this Putz means to buy some outcomes in an attempt to stick us with that flatulent fool Gingrich.

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