Thursday, December 18, 2008

Revolution Begins at Home

With his choice of fundamentalist ideologue Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inaugural, Barack Obama has destroyed whatever credibility his administration might have had with progressives, even before he takes office. As Atrios accurately sums up, Warren "Doesn't believe in evolution, equates gay marriage with child rape, and, frankly, is a fucking idiot."

I fully expected Obama to do the usual, silly "move to the center" routine, but I never expected him to be lying down with dog meat like this. It pretty much signals the end of any viability for two-party politics, not just for me, but for a lot of other people.

What's becoming obvious, as it was 40 years ago, is that revolution begins at home. Anybody here want to live life? Experience Liberty? Do we all want to pursue happiness? Then make sure nobody stops you.

But believe me when I say that we're going to have to make our own damn future, and that means not allowing ourselves to fall into the hands of the generals and Americans -- General Electric, General Foods, AT&T (American Take and Take), and ABC. High fructose corn syrup is to food what Fox News is to information.

Want a healthy mind in a healthy body? Then avoid the twin conspiracies of refined white stuff and refined public "education;" Insist on real food and real thought instead, and on real food for thought as well. We're entering an age of home cooking and home schooling.

Speaking of food, the best is always produced locally. The shorter the time and distance it travels before getting into your mouth, the less intrinsic value it loses. And almost needless to say, food you grow yourself is best of all.

If you want a house that harmonizes with its earthly environment rather than resisting and opposing it, you'll probably have to build it yourself.

These are all things I've known for 40 years, and I keep asking myself, now drawing toward the end part of life, why I've wasted so much time chasing the illusions sold by dying institutions.


Joe said...

Dave, I agree with everything except the food supply. I think it is OK to let central Americans sell us mangoes and bananas. Our ape body can really use such nutrients that it misses from times of old. Really, the earth's population should be so small that everyone could live in places like Costa Rica and coastal Equatorial Guinea. Everyone, quit having babies. Period.

Silliness--the downfallen trait of the human species. That largely includes game-playing with fantasies like believing in fables from archaic and modern books, including the idea of perpetual economic growth.

Why do we deceive ourselves that survival of the fittest is OK for humans? We have big brains for figuring out the lethal flaw of that primitive mode of living. Most problems ranging from the Madoff scam to the financial collapse are the direct result of that competitive mentality. We even need government because we hold onto our morally bankrupt system.

©∂†ß0X∑® said...

Joe, I agree with you about food; I eat a banana and an orange every day, and those two things are kind of the cornerstone of my diet. Neither of them can be grown where I'm living now.

However, there may come a time when the resources for transporting some of the wonderful foodstuffs we've grown accustomed to are either nonexistent or spotty and intermittent, and then we'll have to make do with what we can get locally.

©∂†ß0X∑® said...

Joe, I agree with you about food; I eat a banana and an orange every day, and those two things are kind of the cornerstone of my diet. Neither of them can be grown where I'm living now.

However, there may come a time when the resources for transporting some of the wonderful foodstuffs we've grown accustomed to are either nonexistent or spotty and intermittent, and then we'll have to make do with what we can get locally.

Joe said...

Dave, it's great getting your personal response. I am glad that you eat oranges and bananas like I do.

If we can free our minds with a universal honest approach to life, we could realize solutions like returning to the use of wind-propelled ships. We already have more answers than we know.

I have personally discovered by trial and error that green bananas chilled in a plastic bag, according to that technique that I independently discovered, stay decent for at least six weeks. I go to the produce market once a month now, and can have good bananas the whole time in between outings.

I like it here way more than any forum I've seen.