Monday, January 05, 2009

Hey, Mister, Is Thatta You Topia?

Ecotopia is the only part of the former USA worth living in, as far as I'm concerned. I've lived in all the parts of it except for the section formerly known as Oregon. I've lived in Anchortown, Soggy Seettle, and the Capital city too.

For a while I lived on the very southern edge of Ecotopia, and that wasn't as good. Then I moved south into Aztlan, and wished I hadn't. It's different down there. A big strip mall is what it is.

So now I'm back in the heart of my beloved country. Tonight I'll design a flag, one with a duck on it, and take a stab at writing the national anthem, "Ecotopia, Our Cornucopia."


Joe said...

Let's also adopt moratopia.

Joe said...

I really mean that, too.

©∂†ß0X∑® said...

Moratopia sounds good.

I'll Makeda coffee.