Sunday, January 18, 2009

Off Road Vehicle

Got off the road at last about three hours ago. It feels great to be back.

Washington weather today was the best I've seen during this whole disaster of a road trip, and the sombre old pine trees lining both sides of most roads a welcome sight.

My body can't do the long distance road thing any more. The bones squawk too loud. Anyway, the yellow bug has enough miles on it now to retire from marathon running -- time for the old Nsecto to get turned out to pasture and just do short hauls henceforth.

I think I'll be staying put for a while.

1 comment:

Rod said...

Nothin' wrong with taking time to sniff the coffee compadre. I just wish I could make the same kickass brew in my kitchen that they serve up in the coffee shops...wait a minute...think I may have just found my New Years resolution for '09.