Right, so here's the thing. For a number of years now California's prisons have been one of the state's few growth industries. The prison population has reached obscene proportions; neglect and abuse of the prisoners is common. It's a disgrace and a scandal.
Now, a federal judge has ruled that CA ought to reduce its 170,000-inmate population by about 40,000 over the next few years.
So here's my plan: the prisons let go all the people in there for nonviolent crimes. Then the state should encourage them to grow either pot or industrial-grade hemp. It could even rent the land and hold classes on how to do it.
Then the state could slap, say, a ten-dollar-an-ounce tax on commercial-grade marijuana and so much money per pound on hemp. If the DEA came sniffing around the California people could take them to lunch or something.
This would accomplish a number of things:
*The California prison population would be halved, and the days of using incarceration as a growth industry in the state would be ended;
*California's budget deficit problems would soon be over;
*Thousands of semi-unemployable people in a non-existent jobs market would have an honest living;
*Cotton farmers would have to either switch to hemp or go out of business. Cotton is a soil butcher and has been an ecological disaster for California because it's water intensive.
*Everybody would be great happiness. The liking life would occur. Cleanness would be floating around.
One of the better plans that has offered lately.
oops, sorry! ...that has been offered by anyone...
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