It's stuff like this that convinces me the Republican Party is committing suicide.
In announcing his support (for Obama's stimulus bill) Friday night, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) pointedly read from a Chamber of Commerce endorsement (of the stimulus). The National Association of Manufacturers has also weighed in (in favor of it), telling Republicans that votes on the bill “including potential procedural motions” may be considered for designation as key votes in NAM’s scoring of their legislative record.
In other words, big business wants this bill. They need it. It's a matter of survival for some of them.
Yet nearly all Republicans remain unalterably opposed to and enraged by this bill, and impervious to the suffering of their own base of support.
As John Cole says at his blog Balloon Juice, The main purpose of the Republican party is to support the interests of big business (this is also one of the primary purposes of the Democratic party). I’ve always thought, though, that some day the Republican party would become so insane that it would begin to frighten big business. That day may have arrived.
That's putting it a little too mildly, I think. Any group that cuts off its own life support has to be delusional.
Good bye, Elephant; you've become irrelephant. We won't miss you, because any more you're just in the way.
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