Monday, February 23, 2009


Due to pressing personal matters, some medical, some legal, and some having to do with family and friends, I need to suspend activity on the Catboxx blog for a few days, or maybe longer.

I've really enjoyed sitting in front of my Lappy 486 for several hours each day over the past few years and honoring the world with the benefit of my opinions on all things political, social, cultural, or artistic, which I'm currently doing from my lofty position here at sea level. However, I really don't have the time to even have an opinion at the moment. More pressing matters have intervened and I must attend to them. It's neither an exaggeration nor an over-dramatization to say that life depends on my doing so.

For any readers who might have an interest in my personal life, I'll continue to blog that at my old site, Omnem Movere Lapidem. I'll post a link in the sidebar over at the left.

And in my absence, the world will just have to run without me. I leave it in the sanctified hands of St. Barack, pictured above.

Is there anybody else here besides me who sighs with relief at least once a day realizing that Dubya is gone and not coming back?

Best Regards
Dave B


Rod said...

Stay well mate and keep in touch.

Joe said...

Dave, may it all work out.