Saturday, May 23, 2009

Acceptance II

On my other blog I was writing about acceptance, which I've found to be the absolute missing essential in my personal life. Without it, we're sunk.

But at the same time, I have to disagree strenuously with people who say acceptance is the answer to all life's problems. There are some things which remain totally unacceptable.

The way health care is delivered (or not, as the case may be) in this country is unacceptable.

The distribution of wealth in our society is unacceptable.

Living under the rule of a war machine which daily commits murder most foul in our names is unacceptable.

I've noticed that what I find unacceptable are all things larger than me, larger than us. A rational political and economic system would at least attempt to deal with these things intelligently. But our political and economic lives are ruled by an irrational, propaganda-driven corporatocracy, and that's unacceptable.

There's no political solution possible to this short of revolution, because the American political system is owned by the very people responsible for these problems. Unfortunately, revolution often delivers remedies worse than the problems they solve.

I feel about these things like the preacher Billy Sunday did about alcohol, and to paraphrase him, as long as I have a hand I'll hit them, as long as I have a foot I'll kick them, as long as I have a tooth I'll bite them, and when I'm old, and handless, and footless, and toothless, I'll gum 'em to death.


1 comment:

Joe said...

Hi Dave. Those are causes that I always find myself having to speak out about. The system of the corporatocracy has so conditioned the brains of the public.