Wednesday, May 13, 2009

By Their Fruits

The new style of endless war under the Obama administration seems to be centered around these predator drone attacks, using unmanned aircraft to drop bombs on people rather than sending in the Marines. No Americans die in these drone attacks. They only kill a few hundred civilians and bystanders, and occasionally they might even hit one of the people they're targeting.

And who cares how many Waziristan hillbillies get smoked? Who's counting?

I'm so sick of the endless war I can't even talk about it any more.

It's been going on since I was a small child.

For a few years we had what they called "cold war," which worked out for everybody because no Americans died and the "defense" contractors still got our big bucks tax dollars for building their whiz-bangs. But then we had the opportunity to go kill some real people in Vietnam, not just by shooting them, but with exotic things like defoliants which work down through the generations. There's no outrage on the human race that has not been committed by the evil empire since the end of WWII.

What I've learned over the years is that there's no substantive difference between the two parties. The differences are cosmetic and a matter of style. They're all arrogant bastards who think the U.S. can do anything it wants, and who's going to stop us?

Obama is no different. He may be a newcomer to the ruling class, but he fits right in.

The only hope for ending the endless war is to import it, i.e., bring it on home to the people who are committing the mischief.

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