Sunday, June 14, 2009

I-ran, I-ran's So Far Away

Apparently, Ahmedinejad stole that election over there in I-ran.

Lots of I-ranians are pretty pissed about it too. Mostly young ones, from the looks of it.

Well, I feel your pain, because I know exactly how you feel. Don't you just hate it when that happens? I know I do.

Talking Points Memo has a slideshow of photos of today's violence in Tehran.

Also, there's word that Hashemi Rafsanjani has resigned his government posts to protest the theft of the election.

We can be sure Obama and Hillary and her crew at the State Dept. are watching all this closely, if silently. The I-ranian government is going to be quite vulnerable and defensive for some time now.

Maybe we could even bring the Navy home from the Persian Gulf for a while. That would save us a few billion bucks a week.

Click on the image for a larger view.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Makes me think of the Stalin quip about the vote counting being the main thing.