Lou Dobbs, aka Mexicali Fats, CNN's Hispano-obsessed news commentator, sure knows how to load a question. Referring to Obama's Cairo speech in his daily poll question, America's favorite xenophobe asked poll participants:
Are you concerned that President Obama seems compelled to continue to apologize for the United States wherever he travels?
You know, if enough people felt like doing so, we could drive Uncle Louie nuts by participating in his poll. Just scroll down halfway and you'll find it on the right hand side.
I voted "no" for the following reasons: first of all, I don't think he feels "compelled to apologize" at all. I've seen abundant evidence that everything Obama ever says or does is thought out carefully beforehand, and executed by design rather than by compulsion. But if I'm wrong, and he does "feel compelled to apologize for the United States wherever he travels," so much the better, since the United States has a great deal to apologize for. Where would you like me to start?
Try again tomorrow, Lou; I'm sure you can be a little more subtle than that. Even a chump could see the marks on that deck you trotted out today.
Oh yeah, the "yesses" are ahead of the "no's" in today's poll by a margin of two to one. No surprise there.
Tomorrow's Lou Dobbs will feature a story on the Mexican plot to re-annex Texas by flooding it with illegal immigrants and putting a taco stand on every corner -- the gastronomic reconquista. And I'll register my opinion in tomorrow's poll that I wish them the best of luck with it.
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