Friday, August 14, 2009

Occupied Territory

Face it, you're living in an occupied country. And I'm not talking about the Obama socialist-Marxist-anti-white-pro-gay-agenda-Chavez-lovin'-euthanizing tyranny bullshit nonsense lies and fantasies either.

Atrios says it best as usual; that would be Duncan Black, aka Atrios, proprietor of the blog Eschaton and a master of concision. I love the way this guy writes, and today he says:

In many ways massive inequality is a symptom of an unjust system rather than something to be considered about in and of itself. Still, as we've seen recently it's rather obvious a wealthy class has managed to capture the apparatus of government for its own financial benefit.

Boy, you wanna talk about "that's it in a nutshell."

And the hyperlink will take you here: via Krugman we learn that nearly a quarter of total income goes to the top 1 percent of Americans, nearly as high as the most recent peak, in 1928. (Notice any correlation of events?).

Yes, I do. We're occupied by rich fuggers, who also use the electronic media which they own to spew forth their incessant ruling-class propaganda night and day.

Now, here's what we must do:

1) Kill your television, before it kills you. Killing your TV will change your life.

2) Don't smoke or drink diabetes juice.

3) Do not allow yourself to be referred to as "a consumer."

4) Boycott all Fox News advertisers. A complete list will be appended soon.

5) Grow your own; roll your own; play your own; sing your own; be your own; make your own movies, shot with eyes. Paint the flag green.

6) Most importantly, starve the beast, and re-imagine America.

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