Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This is What a Lunatic Looks Like

This is a very sad and sorrowful presentation of an argument or anything purporting to be thought, this teabagger outbreak. It's tragic, really.

What a sad and tragic state of affairs we've come to in this country.

Here we are, broke, washed up, while bankers and clowns are making off with the last big puddle of money available -- taxpayer money.

We're also caught up in the serpentine coils of a war machine that's got I think three (is it three?) pointless wars going at the moment, and which refuses to let loose its grip on the billions of dollars it consumes every year -- money we no longer have and certainly can't afford, considering the dire needs of our people, millions of whom suddenly find themselves unemployed and without the resources to live.

And are we talking about these things? Is that what the public conversation we're having these days is focused on? No, not even, because our public discourse has been hijacked by lunatics.

Lord have mercy on our poor demented and decomposing country.

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