Sunday, December 20, 2009

sol renewed

Tomorrow is the winter solstice, or shortest day of the year. Here in Seattle, the heart of darkness, it was cloudy and rainy today, and dark by four.

The darkness is more complete in Alaska, but you don't notice it as much because everybody is indoors almost all the time up there from November on through to April.

December 21 is the day the sun dies and is still, but only for a day. He's reborn on December 22, and begins his new life, working toward full fruition on the other side of the year, 182 and 3/4 days up ahead. His death and rebirth were observed and anticipated by humans watching the skies even before history began, and holds the secret of the origin of our most important religious beliefs, rituals, and celebrations.

They've been telling two myths around the shores of the Mediterranean since time began. One is about the soldier hero who fights in an overseas war, then gets lost with his men and runs into a bunch of snags attempting to sail home, and wanders around the sea for years. The other is the story of a god who dies and then comes back to life, and that one originated in the winter solstice.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Been my favorite holiday for a while now.