Monday, February 22, 2010


Ever had an infected tooth? If the infection comes in contact with a nerve, it will ring your bell.

I was enjoying this most beautiful day so far this morning, and walked from my house over to mom and dad's grave site about a mile and a half from here. The flowers and flowering trees are spectacular, and it was, as they say, just another day in paradise.

Back at home, sitting on the couch at about two in the afternoon, I felt of a sudden that a little devil was in my mouth and driving an icepick through one of my bicuspids and down into the jaw. Within an hour I was in the dentist's office, two doors away from where I'm living, as by coincidence this guy who is so very close to where I live came very highly recommended to me. And I lucked out -- they had a cancellation tomorow, which means in about 21 hours I'll be getting an emergency root canal, and believe me when I tell you I'm looking forward to it.

There's nothing like the sudden appearance of intense pain to completely, temporarily change the circumstances of life and the plans you may have made for the remainder of the day. Right now the plan is just to hang on until 3 p.m. tomorrow.

I had one heavy-duty pain pill left from December of '08, and I took it.

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