Saturday, May 01, 2010

Mystery Woman

Do you know who this is? I never would have guessed in a hundred years.

It's somebody you're familiar with; that's all I'll tell you. Her name is a household word.

The picture is nearly 50 years old, and proves once again, as if we needed any proof, that our appearances change drastically over a number of decades.

I don't know what the first person to guess the correct answer will get. Probably just the satisfaction of being right. I'd like to offer an all-expenses-paid weekend for two in Bakersfield, but even that modest holiday is beyond my means.


Fannybobanny said...

Hilary Clinton?

Joe said...

It's not Hillary, but I can't say who it is because I got the answer from someone who got it right.

DPirate said...

I want to say Martha Stewart

©∂†ß0X∑® said...

DPirate, if that's what you want to say, then you want to be right.

it's Martha.

Whoda thunkit?


desert mirage said...

I thought it was Nancy Pelosi