Friday, July 02, 2010

conned again

You've been had. You've been took. You've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok. - Malcolm X

From the Huffington Post's Huffpost Hill column for July 1, news of America's two wars, the foreign and the domestic.

Perptual War Dept. A few in Congress are starting to tell the unvarnished truth. "Progressive Democrats challenged Republican and Blue Dog backers of the wars today to pay for the wars as long as they'll insist on paying for unemployment insurance and anything else. Raul Grijalva: 'And here we are, prolonging a war that most of the American people oppose and not paying for it. That's the essential hypocrisy. We are required to offset anything for education, we are required to offset anything for jobs, and now this war is reaching $280 billion for taxpayers, all under an emergency supplemental category which doesn't require offsets of pay-fors. You know this, from the time of the Tonkin resolution to the end of the end of that conflict in Vietnam, 103 months. We are now at our 104th month in Afghanistan, right now, with no end in sight. So the people that have been going around that the sky is falling because of the debt and the deficit, we're asking them to put up.'"

Meanwhile, class warfare continues stateside: "After the House approved a moot measure to reauthorize lapsed benefits for the long-term jobless, bill sponsor Jim McDermott told HuffPost's Arthur Delaney that the Deficit V. Unemployment fight is 'a class warfare issue.' He said the GOP's obstruction amounts to an assault on the New Deal: 'The Social Security Act of 1935 made these entitlements, Social Security and unemployment insurance and welfare," he said. "The Republicans have been after all three of those programs ever since 1935. They got welfare a few years ago, because that's poor people. They could jump on them. But unemployment and Social Security is middle-class people -- they haven't been able to get them, but it isn't because they're not willing to try.'"

Malcolm is speaking to us from the grave, and his constituency has multiplied like the loaves and fishes; nearly all of us are his people now.

1 comment:

Joe said...

RIP Malcolm. You knew getting uppity was dangerous, I'm sure.