Monday, August 23, 2010

late summer

As the days become gradually shorter and the north wind begins to communicate the unmistakable shift of seasons which is already occurring on Vancouver Island, we still can look forward to the prospect of a few more glorious afternoons like this one. And who knows, the season, with some interruptions, may last well into September -- it sometimes happens.

Time moves slowly through these golden hours, meandering lazily toward sunset with its accompanying cool western breezes wafting off the glass surface of the Sound. Everything expands under the warm sunshine, and time is no exception.

Summer was short this year, and I'm sure we'll be left wanting more. But that's also the case even when, as it was two years ago, the season lasts longer than usual. These are rare and irreplaceable days, and sometimes I think their beauty is a function of their scarcity. Anything as beautiful as this really should be rare.

The next two days are supposed to be unusually clear and very warm, and I don't plan on letting them go to waste.

Oil painting, Late Summer, by Peggy Root.

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