Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the boner gap

TBogg is a very funny guy who writes a sub-blog at, and yesterday he picked up on a fleck of drool that dropped glisteningly from the keyboard of David Brooks, the Times's most celebrated clueless columnist.

Brooks wrote: This project begins with the pessimism and anger you see in the protest movements. Seventy percent of Americans now say their country is in decline, according to various polls. When people are gloomy they have fewer babies, and, sure enough, fertility rates have dropped sharply, with the most dramatic plunges occurring in the hardest hit states, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

And TBogg snarkily responds: Yes, when people are having sex at all, it’s sad sex and not the kind of sad cringing weeping sex that Marcus Bachmann has with his “wife” in order to keep up appearances. No, America has become flaccid and desultory; a nation that once said “Yes, we can!” now says “I have to get up early and stand in line for government cheese and, besides, Tim Allen is on Leno…”

...Third parties have formed over smaller things than this. And not yours, yours is perfectly… average.

Now I take sex very seriously, because like it or not, it's how we all got here. Still, does David Brooks really think that a lack of erotic enthusiasm among the victims of mass unemployment and foreclosure, people who don't have a hard on or a window to throw it out of, is significant? Or even surprising?

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