See video of Trump boiling over @ Youtube.
Any body who thinks this Sociopath or any one like him, should ever be allowed within a mile of the Oval Office should have his or her head examined.
UPDATE:s The Sociopath destroyed what passes for his competition last night in Nevada's caucuses, taking 46% if the votes cast, and proving that among the states, Nevada wears the mask of sanity.
He seems a reembodyment of leaders during the early to mid 1900s Europe.
Presently it looks like Hillary will be the next President.
Joe, I hope you're wrong. Currently she beats T..RUMP by 1% -- and is so unlikable THAT I think he'd cap her in a protracted campaign.
It's true that T.RUMP has a lock on the Rehooligan nomination, However, Hlllary is not yet home free, See today's post,..,
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