For which i can offer only the usual vague excuse -- I've been really busy, sleeping mostly. For the last two weeks I've been taking radiation therapy for cancer, and it makes a person very sleepy, which is OK if you don't have to go to work or something ridiculous like that.
Plus the greatest accomplishment of my life -- my daughter -- was here last week, and we got to deal with her manic energy due to ADHD -- a lot of fun, but a bit wearing for a couple of old people. She used 2 B tortured by the condition, but now enjoys it.
But enuff of my boring excuses. I'll be back domani, woth my own take on the Iowa cock-asses.
Dave I hope the therapy knocks out that cancer fast. Your daughter is swell.
My daughter is an unstoppable force, Thanks for yr comment as always, Joe.
Yor very welcome, Dave. I'm very glad she's there.
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