We won't have a viable political system in this country until we get rid of the corrupt system presently in place.
See today's Glenn Greenwald.
Even a top Senate Democrat admits that both parties are "owned" by the corporate ruling class, and especially by the banking and finance sector.
Correcting this situation will require a revolution, either from outside the system or within it, or (the most likely scenario), a combination of the two (outside agitation and civil disturbance in tandem with inside revolt and rebellion). I look forward to it.
All Democrats and all Republicans,
All political creatures great and small;
All things corrupt and ugly,
The corporate ruling class owns them all.
Glenn Greenwald doesn't just assert that Wall Street owns our national government; he shows the actual anatomy, the nuts and bolts of how that ownership works.
This knowledge is lying around in plain sight for anybody to pick up and use. It's no wonder the Republicans and Democrats work so tirelessly to try to convince us that there really are substantive differences between them.
But some of us are no longer fooled.
Of especial interest to me in Greenwald's piece is the information pertaining to the corporate interests bankrolling the ascending career of Indiana's Democratic Senator (and son of an Indiana Democratic Senator) Evan Bayh. In case you've missed it, which is likely because there's been no press coverage of his ambitions and agenda outside of a few minor blogposts, Bayh is waiting for the imminent death of the last Republican. When that occurs, maybe next week, he plans to be the founder and leader of the new "conservative" (read "wholly corporate owned") party, the Blue Dog Democrats, who intend to set themselves up in opposition to the progressive Democrats.
The biggest contributor to Bayh's career, as documented by Greenwald, is Goldman-Sachs. It seems Mr. Goldman and Mr. Sachs have their fingers in everybody's pies.