Saturday, January 16, 2010

the body-mind connection

It's usually referred to as the mind-body connection -- a way of saying that states of mind such as chronic depression or panic attacks, besides being damaging in themselves, have adverse physical consequences as well.

But naturally the reverse is also true, and now that I'm beginning to recover from recent bouts with psoriasis, including the fear generated by watching it spread rapidly, my outlook is suddenly a lot sunnier, even if the weather isn't.

Becoming convinced that sleeping under wool blankets was aggravating the condition (which I had suspected for some tIme) I finally got motivated to go down to Feddie M's and buy a cheap cotton comforter. Voila! Two nights under that thing and those ugly red patches began to clear.

And here I thought wool would be better because it's a natural fabric. It's amazing what we put ourselves through in our efforts to be organically, politically, sartorially, and aerodynamically correct.

So yes, there is a mind-body connection, and today they're both doing about as well or better than might be expected considering my age, history of bad habits, and sexual orientation.

1 comment:

DPirate said...

It is certainly not the case that changing your blankets provided the excuse to believe in your health that your mind was working toward?