Atrios has the video, and calls it "Your moment of Zen."
And so it is. Even Glenn Beck is offended by her vapid stupidity.
This is sort of like the time Couric asked her what newspapers she reads and she said "All of them."
It's a non-answer and evasion, identical to the ones I got from high school students who hadn't read any of the assigned books.
"Which one of the novels we read this year did you like best?"
One day at Fox and already she's in trouble. Good.
The White House seems an odd venue for on-the-job learning, but maybe that's what's happening.
Sounding more like a populist than he ever has before, Barack Obama today reamed the banksters, telling them "We want our money back" and proposed a new tax on the biggest banks that would recoup at least some of the money the government lost bailing out the "industry" in 2008 and 2009.
He also called the bonuses the banksters are in the process of awarding themselves "obscene."
"We are already hearing a hue and cry from Wall Street, suggesting that this proposed fee is not only unwelcome but unfair, that by some twisted logic, it is more appropriate for the American people to bear the cost of the bailout rather than the industry that benefited from it, even though these executives are out there giving themselves huge bonuses," said the President, suddenly sounding presidential.
"What I'd say to these executives is this: Instead of setting a phalanx of lobbyists to fight this proposal or employing an army of lawyers and accountants to help evade the fee, I'd suggest you might want to consider simply meeting your responsibility," he added.
Let's hope he means it, because he needs to realize that adopting populist positions and then undertaking actions to match those positions is his only hope for political survival under a system in which his return to office for a second term depends basically (unless the vote is very close and the circumstances unusual) on his winning the popular vote.
Now, if he can get on the same page as the majority of Americans when it comes to other issues such as perpetual war in the Mideast, torture of detainees, and the need for a health care public option, his presidency might someday amount to something. it's a steep learning curve, but he's a talented young guy, and he might be beginning to realize he's been badly advised and misled.
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