We need to stop listening to Barack Obama, and watch what he does instead. Listening to him is like listening to the used car salesman who says "I'm your friend."
We might have listened during his campaign when he said he wanted to "spread the wealth around," but now we know he was blowing smoke, because a few days ago he got the extension of the Bush tax giveaways for billionaires he was planning all along.
He was under very strict orders to deliver those cuts on schedule.
He's no different than those "reluctant Republicans" I've heard people talk about, crying crocodile tears about TARP and pretending to be opposed to it before they gave up their pretend indignation, ham acted for the benefit of a gullible public, and did what they were told to do.
After all the theatrics and hand wringing for the benefit of the teabaggers was over, most Republicans -- a majority -- lined up behind TARP and followed orders.
Their routine was similar to the song and dance Obama recently acted out for us, making a big show of being opposed to the tax cut extension before HE followed orders and executed the plan.
But why does anybody believe them any more, considering what they keep doing to us? It's worth repeating: by their fruits you will know them. We ask for bread and our government hands us a dog turd. How many times does this have to happen before we wise up?
The police have a game they play with suspects that's literally older than history.
The first cop comes in and threatens you. He's very mean, and might even get violent with you.
Then he leaves and another cop comes in. He's sympathetic to your plight, and very understanding. "Look, I'm on YOUR side," he tells you. He's actually the more dangerous of the two.
In Lewis Carroll's
The Walrus and the Carpenter, the walrus sympathizes with the oysters. "I feel your pain," he said as they both were devouring every last one of them.
Obama is the con cop. He's a walrus, working closely with his partner, the mean cop/carpenter to do the job they were ordered to do. On us.
`It seems a shame,' the Walrus said,
`To play them such a trick,
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them trot so quick!'
The Carpenter said nothing but
`The butter's spread too thick!'
`I weep for you,' the Walrus said:
`I deeply sympathize.'
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.
Illustration by Mervyn Peake, English author and artist, 1911-1968.