Saturday, February 06, 2016

dueling in durham

It was knock-'m-down bare knuckles in Durham, NH Thursday evening as the forced absconding of the marshmallowy Martin O'Malley finally opened things up, & provided the fireworks between the two viable presidential candidates I'd hoped for from the beginning.

When Sec'ty Clinton accused Sanders of conducting an *artful smear* against her personally, it was on. The *smear* consists of factual information regarding the 650K piasters she got from Goldman Sachs for speaking fees, usually accompanied by a reminder that she voted for unleashing Dubya 4 the Iraq War.

Sen. Sanders countered that he's able to *not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. I am very proud to be the only candidate up here that does not have a super PAC.*

I was glad 2 see it, since we are at long last in  the year of the giant election. So never vote for anyone who voted to let Geo W Bush rummage about in the mideast, & laissez les bons temps rouler.

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